Monthly Archives: October 2009
Channel 6: How’s the Economy Now?
Jim Community Service, TV WLNS
Did an extended interview with Stephanie Kolb of WLNS, Channel 6 about the economy today. We mostly discussed the recent minor increase in the MI unemployment rate and the stock market reaching 10,000 yesterday.
Why was the Industrial Revolution British?
Jim Books & Resources CompEconSys, Econ 213, EconHist, podcast
Why Was the Industrial Revolution Midlandish?
Leigh Shaw-Taylor writes: A podcast of Professor R.C. Allen’s, 2009 Tawney lecture, Why was the Industrial Revolution British?, given at the Economic History Society annual conference, is now available on the EHS website at
via J. Bradford DeLong’s Grasping Reality with All Eight Tentacles.
Writing Class
Jim College Service/Committees
Spoke to Jill Reglin’s Writing class about “Is the Recession Over?”. A copy of the presentation is available at:
Powerpoint File
MP3 audio of the lecture itself
It’s in powerpoint format (ppt). If you don’t have Microsoft Powerpoint, download OpenOffice from the “Free Software” page link at the top of this page. OpenOffice is free and will open Powerpoint, Word, and Excel documents.
Channel 6
Jim Community Service, TV GM, WLNS
Interviewed last night on Channel 6, WLNS by Candace Burns. Topic: General Motors released September sales numbers they are down 45 percent from last year, and they are 35% less than last August. We know that The Lansing Delta Township Plant is looking to start a third shift next April to build the Chevy Traverse, but could that change if the numbers don’t pick up?